Tyhmä tietämätön kyselee, miten ani-tiedostot saa hiiren ominaisuuksiin niin että ne saa toimimaan ? Nyt kun lataan koneelle ani-tiedoston, ja yritän avata sitä windowsilla, ei tiedostoa tunneta ?
Lainaus, alkuperäisen viestin kirjoitti tahvojr: Tyhmä tietämätön kyselee, miten ani-tiedostot saa hiiren ominaisuuksiin niin että ne saa toimimaan ? Nyt kun lataan koneelle ani-tiedoston, ja yritän avata sitä windowsilla, ei tiedostoa tunneta ?
File extension ANI description:
The .ani file format is used for reading and storing Windows Animated Cursors (animated mouse pointer). A .ani file is a structured format (Microsoft RIFF) that contains information about the animation (author & title, steps, length & order of each step...) followed by several frames stored in the icon format.
Each frame/step in an animated cursor is displayed during a short time (delay or length): this is the frame timing. This time is measured in jiffies; 1 jiffy=1/60th of a second~16,66ms.
If your .ani files are correctly associated, you can preview them using Windows Explorer: just hit an animated cursor file and select the File Properties shell menu command. Windows will then display the animated cursor on the Properties tab.
Animated cursor may also be used to customize the Windows mouse pointers too: the mouse applet in the Windows control panel lets you change the cursors used during different operations (wait, no selection, etc...). Select the "Pointers" tab in the mouse applet and then highlight the pointer you want to replace. Click on the "Browse" button and finally select the animated cursor you want.