Polttaa n.puoleen väliin ihan normaalisti sit alkaa valittaa.. mut polttaa sit loppuun taas normaalisti.. sit kusee kokonaan.. mikä mättää.. onko paska aihio? imation dvd+r dl
pitäis olla uusin firmware asemassa vaik onkin mallia 2005... ennen kyl polttanut normaalisti,, mut täst on yli 2v aikaa ku viimeks poltellut..
I 12:47:20 ImgBurn Version started!
I 12:47:20 Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition (6.1, Build 7600)
I 12:47:20 Total Physical Memory: 2,096,440 KB - Available: 1,330,432 KB
I 12:47:20 Initialising SPTI...
I 12:47:20 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 12:47:20 -> Drive 1 - Info: PIONEERDVD-RW DVR-109 1.58 (D:) (ATA)
I 12:47:20 -> Drive 2 - Info: MagicISO Virtual DVD-ROM 1.0A (F:) (Unknown)
I 12:47:20 Found 1 DVD-ROM and 1 DVD±RW!
I 12:47:37 Operation Started!
I 12:47:37 Source File: E:\UFC.Undisputed.2010.RF.XBOX360 [www.forodescargasdirectas.com]\x360-ufc2010\ufc2010.dvd
I 12:47:37 Source File Sectors: 3,827,488 (MODE1/2048)
I 12:47:37 Source File Size: 7,838,695,424 bytes
I 12:47:37 Source File Volume Identifier: DVD_ROM
I 12:47:37 Source File Volume Set Identifier: ec67c000MS UDFBridge
I 12:47:37 Source File Application Identifier: CDIMAGE 2.45 (12/06/2000 TM)
I 12:47:37 Source File Implementation Identifier: Microsoft CDIMAGE UDF I 12:47:37 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.50)
I 12:47:37 Destination Device: [1:0:0] PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-109 1.58 (D:) (ATA)
I 12:47:37 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RITEK-S04-66) (Speeds: 2.4x)
I 12:47:37 Destination Media Sectors: 4,173,824
I 12:47:37 Write Mode: DVD I 12:47:37 Write Type: DAO I 12:47:37 Write Speed: 1x
I 12:47:37 Link Size: Auto
I 12:47:37 Lock Volume: Yes
I 12:47:37 Test Mode: No
I 12:47:37 OPC: No
I 12:47:37 BURN-Proof: Enabled
W 12:47:37 Write Speed Miscompare! - Wanted: 1,385 KB/s (1x), Got: 3,324 KB/s (2.4x)
I 12:47:37 Advanced Settings - Optimal Writing Speed: No
I 12:47:37 Optimal L0 Data Zone Capacity: 1,913,760
I 12:47:37 Optimal L0 Data Zone Method: Copied From Original Disc
I 12:47:59 Set L0 Data Zone Capacity Succeeded!
I 12:47:59 Filling Buffer... (40 MB)
I 12:48:00 Writing LeadIn...
I 12:48:01 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 3827487)
I 12:48:01 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 3827487)
I 12:48:01 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 1913759)
I 13:07:52 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 1913760 - 3827487)
W 13:08:14 Failed to Write Sectors 1914528 - 1914559 - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 13:08:14 Retrying (1 of 20)...
I 13:08:14 Writing Sectors...
W 13:08:27 Failed to Write Sectors 1915296 - 1915327 - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 13:08:27 Retrying (1 of 20)...
I 13:08:27 Writing Sectors...
W 13:08:41 Failed to Write Sectors 1916064 - 1916095 - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 13:08:41 Retrying (1 of 20)...
I 13:08:41 Writing Sectors...
W 13:08:55 Failed to Write Sectors 1916832 - 1916863 - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 13:08:55 Retrying (1 of 20)...
I 13:08:55 Writing Sectors...
W 13:09:08 Failed to Write Sectors 1917600 - 1917631 - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 13:09:08 Retrying (1 of 20)...
I 13:09:08 Writing Sectors...
W 13:09:22 Failed to Write Sectors 1918368 - 1918399 - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 13:09:22 Retrying (1 of 20)...
I 13:09:22 Writing Sectors...
W 13:09:36 Failed to Write Sectors 1919136 - 1919167 - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 13:09:36 Retrying (1 of 20)...
I 13:09:36 Writing Sectors...
W 13:09:49 Failed to Write Sectors 1919904 - 1919935 - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 13:09:49 Retrying (1 of 20)...
I 13:09:49 Writing Sectors...
W 13:10:02 Failed to Write Sectors 1920672 - 1920703 - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 13:10:03 Retrying (1 of 20)...
I 13:10:03 Writing Sectors...
I 13:30:05 Synchronising Cache...
I 13:30:06 Closing Track...
I 13:30:08 Finalising Disc...
I 13:31:04 Exporting Graph Data...
I 13:31:04 Graph Data File: C:\Users\pt\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\PIONEER_DVD-RW_DVR-109_1.58_FRIDAY-JUNE-18-2010_12-47_PM_RITEK-S04-66_1x.ibg
I 13:31:04 Export Successfully Completed!
I 13:31:04 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:43:26
I 13:31:04 Average Write Rate: 3,032 KB/s (2.2x) - Maximum Write Rate: 3,523 KB/s (2.5x)
I 13:31:04 Cycling Tray before Verify...
I 13:31:30 Device Ready!
I 13:31:30 Operation Started!
I 13:31:30 Source Device: [1:0:0] PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-109 1.58 (D:) (ATA)
I 13:31:30 Source Media Type: DVD+R DL (Book Type: DVD-ROM) (Disc ID: RITEK-S04-66) (Speeds: 2.4x)
I 13:31:30 Image File: E:\UFC.Undisputed.2010.RF.XBOX360 [www.forodescargasdirectas.com]\x360-ufc2010\ufc2010.dvd
I 13:31:30 Image File Sectors: 3,827,488 (MODE1/2048)
I 13:31:30 Image File Size: 7,838,695,424 bytes
I 13:31:30 Image File Volume Identifier: DVD_ROM
I 13:31:30 Image File Volume Set Identifier: ec67c000MS UDFBridge
I 13:31:30 Image File Application Identifier: CDIMAGE 2.45 (12/06/2000 TM)
I 13:31:30 Image File Implementation Identifier: Microsoft CDIMAGE UDF
I 13:31:30 Image File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.50)
I 13:31:30 Read Speed (Data/Audio): MAX / MAX
I 13:31:30 Verifying Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 3827487)
I 13:31:30 Verifying Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 3827487)
I 13:31:30 Verifying Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 1913759)
I 13:40:32 Verifying Layer 1... (LBA: 1913760 - 3827487)
W 13:40:58 Failed to Read Sector 1913760 - Reason: No Additional Sense Information
W 13:41:15 Retrying (1)...
W 13:41:22 Retry Failed - Reason: No Additional Sense Information
W 13:41:24 Failed to Read Sector 1913760 - Reason: No Additional Sense Information
W 13:41:31 Failed to Read Sector 1913761 - Reason: No Additional Sense Information
E 13:41:50 Failed to Read Sector 1913761 - Reason: No Additional Sense Information
E 13:41:50 Failed to Verify Sectors!
I 13:41:50 Exporting Graph Data...
I 13:41:50 Graph Data File: C:\Users\pt\AppData\Roaming\ImgBurn\Graph Data Files\PIONEER_DVD-RW_DVR-109_1.58_FRIDAY-JUNE-18-2010_12-47_PM_RITEK-S04-66_1x.ibg
I 13:41:50 Export Successfully Completed!
E 13:41:50 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:10:19
I 13:41:50 Average Verify Rate: 6,183 KB/s (4.5x) - Maximum Verify Rate: 10,108 KB/s (7.3x)
Muistelen kerran törmänneeni tuohon virheilmoitukseen "Power Calibration Area Error" ja silloin ongelma ratkesi asettamalla polttonopeus pienemmäksi. Tältä sivulta löytyy enemmänkin neuvoja: http://www.megaleecher.net/Fix_Power_Calibration_Error
Lainaus, alkuperäisen viestin kirjoitti 1pertti: Muistelen kerran törmänneeni tuohon virheilmoitukseen "Power Calibration Area Error" ja silloin ongelma ratkesi asettamalla polttonopeus pienemmäksi. Tältä sivulta löytyy enemmänkin neuvoja: http://www.megaleecher.net/Fix_Power_Calibration_Error
ei nappaa-- perhana.. tää on taas näit henkimaailman hommia.
imgbburn logissa on tollanen ilmoitus mitähän se mahtaa tarkoittaa
W 23:55:57 Duplex Secure's SPTD driver can have a detrimental effect on drive performance.