ps3 force feedvback ratti
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11. joulukuuta 2010 @ 13:16 |
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Mikäköhän ois kohtuuhintanen ja parasratti alle 150 ? ps3 force feedbackillä.
koneboxist löytyy halvin alle 40 ? mut siin ei oo force feedbackkiä.
ja mistä kaupasta ?
Senior Member
10 tuotearviota
11. joulukuuta 2010 @ 16:15 |
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AfterDawn Addict
10 tuotearviota
11. joulukuuta 2010 @ 17:04 |
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Trilogiar:n suosittelema Driving Force GT ratti on ainakin itselläni toiminut hyvin. Lisäksi plussaa, että toimii myös pc:ssä.
Rattia löytyy prismoista ja cittareistakin suunnilleen tuohon jimmssin hintaan.
2 tuotearviota
11. joulukuuta 2010 @ 23:01 |
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Ääni myös Driving Force GT:lle. Hintaisekseen loistava ratti. Ainut miinus polkimien johtoliitoksista...
Johdot löystyvät ja jarru tai kaasu saattaa jäädä päälle. Yksilöllistä, jossain ei tule ongelmaa ollenka ja joissain(kuten allekirjoittaneella) saattaa vika ilmetä hyvinkin nopeasti. 5 kisaa Gran Turismo 5:sta ja jarru alkoi jumittaa. Vika on toki helppo korjata: Pohja irti polkimista, liittimet yksi kerrallaan irti ja pihdeillä puristus naaras liittimellen niin että se istuu tiukasti kiinni.
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13. joulukuuta 2010 @ 11:53 |
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kiitos tiedosta, mutta tuossa ei ole force feedpackkiä
Lainaus, alkuperäisen viestin kirjoitti Trilogiar:
Gran Turismon virallinen ohjauspyörä Logitech® Driving Force GT on suunniteltu alusta alkaen tarjoamaan poikkeuksellisen todentuntuisen PLAYSTATION 3-ajokokemuksen. Sen kehittynyt tärinäpalautetekniikka luo töyssyt, törmäykset ja liirrot hämmästyttävän todenmukaisesti, ja 900 astetta kääntyvä ohjauspyörä jäljittelee täsmällisesti monien oikeiden autojen ohjausdynamiikkaa. Ohjauspyörän mukava 33 cm:n kuminen kehä varmistaa liukumattoman otteen. 24 asennon reaaliaikaisen säätimen (ensimmäisenä tärinäpalautteella varustetussa ohjauspyörässä) avulla voit hienosäätää jarruja, luistonestoa ja muita asetuksia kesken ajon vertaansa vailla olevalla suorituskykyominaisuuksien hallinnalla ja täysikokoiset kaasu- ja jarrupolkimet tuottavat välittömän vasteen.
Pakkaus sisältää.
* Tärinäpalautteella varustettu ohjauspyörä
* Kaasu- ja jarrupolkimet
* Virtalähde
* Pika-aloitusopas
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13. joulukuuta 2010 @ 12:06 |
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siis toiset sivut väittää että tärinäpalautteella toiset force feedpackillä.
kalleimmassa mallissa on kylläkin 2 kpl sähkömoorttoria.
Driving Force? GT
Your PLAYSTATION®3 racing experience gets real with the official wheel of Gran Turismo?.
Feel the force
Feel the force
You experience weight shift, traction loss, and surface conditions?so you can feel the road and drive better.
Crank it
Crank it
It?s like you?re behind the wheel of a real racecar with 900-degrees of wheel rotation (that?s 2.5 times around.)
Ready for action? You can use this product with many current games, including:
* Gran Turismo? 5 Prologue (PS3)
by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
* Need for Speed?: SHIFT (PS3, PC)
by Electronic Arts
* Midnight Club Los Angeles (PS3)
by Rockstar Games
* See all compatible games
*Games sold separately.
Driving Force GT
With force feedback and 900-degree wheel rotation, the official wheel of Gran Turismo? makes your PLAYSTATION®3 racing experience come to life.
Force feedback
Force feedback
You?ll feel every meter of the road for maximum control and a lifelike racing experience. Force feedback - You can really feel it.
Learn more.
900-degree wheel rotation
900-degree wheel rotation
You can go 2.5 times around lock to lock?just as you would behind the wheel of many real cars. Serious about sim games? Learn how Logitech peripherals make sim games more real.
Learn more.
11-inch rubber-overmold rim
11-inch rubber-overmold rim
You?ll enjoy a comfortable grip?even during intense races.
24-position adjustment dial
24-position adjustment dial
You can fine-tune brake bias, traction control system (TCS), and other settings on the fly for serious control over your car's performance.
Gas and brake pedals
Gas and brake pedals
True-to-life pedals give you precise throttle and brake response.
Sequential stick shift
Sequential stick shift
You can go through the gears for total control.
One-piece wheel construction
One-piece wheel construction
You can drive with confidence knowing this rigid, sturdy wheel won't squeak or flex during aggressive maneuvers.
Custom tuned for popular games
Custom tuned for popular games
You can see and feel every bit of wheel movement reflected in-game?with virtually no dead zones or lag.
Optical encoding
Optical encoding
You can experience reliable and accurate handling race after race after race.
PC-compatible software
PC-compatible software
You can download the latest software and make it compatible with your PC racing games.
Download now.
Force feedback. Feel it.
Hold on to your seat.
Much more than just non-directional vibration feedback or ?rumble?, force feedback accurately reflects the action of your game. Bouncing off the wall at Daytona? Taking flak above Dresden? With force feedback, you?ll feel it.
Drive better
You can tune your car to max out its horsepower. You can drive day and night to hone your skills. But road conditions can only be transmitted through the feel of the steering wheel you?re using.
On top of accurately registering collisions, a force feedback wheel can provide subtle information about how your car is performing. Throttle too hard and you?ll feel your tires starting to lose grip. Lose control of the car?s rear end and the wheel will fight against you as you counter-steer to regain control.
With force feedback wheels for PC gaming?for the Wii® and PLAYSTATION® platforms?and even for those with limited space (or concerned about living room décor), we have a wheel for you.
See force feedback wheels for PLAYSTATION®3
Fly better
Whether you?re in an airborne battle , or just keeping your flight skills sharp, the value of a good flight simulator depends on its level of realism.
You?ll feel the rock and sway as you taxi to the runway. In the air, you?ll feel wind sheer as well as turbulence and buffeting. And in the heat of battle, you?ll know when you?ve been hit or when you?ve hit someone else and the blast buffets your cockpit. Ready to take flight?
Check out the Logitech® Flight System G940
Get real: Logitech peripherals for sim games
You don?t want to feel like you?re just playing a game. You?re screaming through the turns at Monza. You?re in a dogfight over London. We get it. The game is as real as it gets right now.
Getting as close as possible to the real thing is what sim games are all about. And that?s why we make racing wheels with force feedback and flight systems with authentic cockpit controls, and much more.
See all racing wheels.
See all flight systems
Racing realism
When you wrap your hands around a Logitech force feedback racing wheel, you might want to buckle up.
The road feels like a road should feel?with all the loose gravel and rumble strips that the developers actually put in the game. You?ll feel your car?s weight shift as you brake and bank around a turn. And if you misjudge it and the back tires lose their grip, you?ll feel that, too.
It?s no small advantage to actually feel how your car was meant to be felt, and it might just help you shave precious seconds off your lap times.
Learn more about the Logitech G27 Racing Wheel on BLogitech.
See all racing wheels.
Flying high
Want to bring your piloting to new heights? We?ve got a range of joysticks that will make taking to the skies even better.
Our latest offering?the Logitech® Flight System G940?drops you right into the cockpit like no ordinary joystick or game pad could. A fully featured HOTAS (Hands On Throttle-and-Stick) design, giving you force feedback and more than 250 programmable button options, the G940 also offers authentic rudder pedals based on the design of today?s jet fighters.
Check out the blog and video about the groundbreaking Logitech Flight System G940.
See all flight systems and joysticks.
In the action
No matter what your game or console, you?ll find a Logitech gaming peripheral that puts more real in your simulation.
To view this Product Gallery, please install the Adobe Flash plugin and enable JavaScript in your browser.
Click to play.
System Requirements
o Pentium® processor or compatible
o Windows® XP or Windows Vista®
o 256 MB RAM
o 20 MB of available hard disk space
o CD-ROM drive
o USB port
o Games that support Logitech® force feedback
PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system
o PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system
Warranty Information
* 1-year limited hardware warranty
Package Contents
* Force feedback steering wheel
* Gas and brake pedals
* Power supply
* User documentation