User Käyttäjä Salasana  
keskiviikko 26.2.2025 / 21:51
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Langattoman netin kanssa ongelmia pelatessa!
Kirjoittaja Viesti
8. huhtikuuta 2010 @ 13:38 _ Linkki tähän viestiin    Lähetä käyttäjälle yksityisviesti   
Hey all ,

Im having issues with my wireless at the moment , i cant seem to figure out why this is happening but i will do my best to explain.

The WZC needs to be disabled while im gaming online , or i get Latency spikes every 60 seconds that last for 5 seconds , i used to be able to disable it for around a hour , then my internet would disconnect and i need to Enable it manually for it to reconnect me , then disable it again once i go back into game. The routine goes like this.

Call of duty.exe

Locate server




Disable WZC

Alt/Tab back into Game

I used to have to do that everyone hour , if i didn't , i would completely loose connection to the internet and loose my score in game , which is so frustrating!

I found a batch file what saved me the effort of having to go into services and do it all manually , but its still a pain , and im getting disconnected every 4 minutes now once WZC is disabled! It used to go for about a hour before my net would shut down completely!

Im using a Wireless USB stick G , to connect to sky broadband , the router is virtually right next to me! If i had a Ethernet port that worked i would connect that way , but i dont.

Windows XP pro SP2 is up to date , All appropriate drivers installed , and a cleann scan from Avria and Malwarebytes.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Jos ei englanti suju, voin tarvittaessa suomentaakin tuon! Kiitoksia jo etukäteen! =)
AfterDawn Addict

3 tuotearviota
13. huhtikuuta 2010 @ 08:35 _ Linkki tähän viestiin    Lähetä käyttäjälle yksityisviesti   
Why are you using WZC if its giving you trouble? Just disable it and install wireless card manufacturers own software for controlling the wlan.

Btw..there is a english side to afterdawn.

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Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. > keskustelu > yleistä keskustelua tietokoneista > verkot > langattoman netin kanssa ongelmia pelatessa!

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