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keskiviikko 26.2.2025 / 21:40
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Langattoman netin kanssa ongelmia pelatessa
Kirjoittaja Viesti
8. huhtikuuta 2010 @ 14:32 _ Linkki tähän viestiin    Lähetä käyttäjälle yksityisviesti   
Hey all ,

Im having issues with my wireless at the moment , i cant seem to figure out why this is happening but i will do my best to explain.

The WZC (Wireless Zero Configuration) needs to be disabled while im gaming online , or i get Latency spikes every 60 seconds that last for 5 seconds , i used to be able to disable it for around a hour , then my internet would disconnect and i need to Enable it manually for it to reconnect me , then disable it again once i go back into game. The routine goes like this.

Call of duty.exe

Locate server




Disable WZC

Alt/Tab back into Game

I used to have to do that everyone hour , if i didn't , i would completely loose connection to the internet and loose my score in game , which is so frustrating!

I found a batch file what saved me the effort of having to go into services and do it all manually , but its still a pain , and im getting disconnected every 4 minutes now once WZC is disabled! It used to go for about a hour before my net would shut down completely!

Im using a Wireless USB stick G , to connect to sky broadband , the router is virtually right next to me! If i had a Ethernet port that worked i would connect that way , but i dont.

Windows XP pro SP2 is up to date , All appropriate drivers installed , and a cleann scan from Avria and Malwarebytes.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Voin kääntää englanniksi, jos jollakulla on ongelmia ymmärtää. Kaverilla tälläinen ongelma. Kiitos avusta jo etukäteen =)


Viestiä on muokattu lähettämisen jälkeen. Viimeisin muokkaus 8. huhtikuuta 2010 @ 14:33

Viestiketju on suljettu. Uusien viestien lähettäminen ei ole mahdollista. > keskustelu > yleistä keskustelua tietokoneista > verkot > langattoman netin kanssa ongelmia pelatessa

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