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Samsung BD-D8900, digibox (HD?) + 3D Blu-ray
Kirjoittaja Viesti
27. toukokuuta 2011 @ 15:16 _ Linkki tähän viestiin    Lähetä käyttäjälle yksityisviesti   
I'm seriously tempted by this Samsung BD-D8900 3D Blu-ray player and set-top box (1 TB hard drive) combo box.

Bit too expensive at the moment, but maybe the price will drop over the next few months...

It has a CI slot and I think I have an old Conax CAM somewhere I guess I can use that with a Welho card to view & record my PayTV channels.

This is what I can't work out: Verkkokauppa says it has a "HD Twin Tuner (DVB-T2/C)" but what does that mean exactly? 1x HD Terrestrial tuner & 1x Non-HD Cable tuner? Why is there no '2' next to the 'C'?

I saw some flyer through my door the other day from Musta Pörssi that had the similar non CI-slot model, and had that "Cable HD ready" logo next to it... But I don't think I want to gamble ?650 on the accuracy of that information :)
AfterDawn Addict

2 tuotearviota
28. toukokuuta 2011 @ 10:38 _ Linkki tähän viestiin    Lähetä käyttäjälle yksityisviesti   
This is what I can't work out: Verkkokauppa says it has a "HD Twin Tuner (DVB-T2/C)" but what does that mean exactly? 1x HD Terrestrial tuner & 1x Non-HD Cable tuner? Why is there no '2' next to the 'C'?

This means, that the tuners (2 pcs.) are both T2/C -tuners, and there is not yet a C2-tunerstandard. T2-tuner is needed for HD-picture on terrestial network.

It has a CI slot and I think I have an old Conax CAM somewhere I guess I can use that with a Welho card to view & record my PayTV channels.
Dunno anything about Welho (because it's Cableoperator), but on terrestial HD-channels CI+ is needed, and if your Conax-adapter is older (eg. year or more) it does not work.
Again I know nothing about cabletv-networks and their encryptiontechniques....

T: Vesku

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