Well, Isn't This A Dandy ?
8. joulukuuta 2002 @ 14:49 |
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Please (please-please-please) forgive my english posting on the Finn site, and I know you are going to think I am making this all up, or that I am smoking dried-banana scrapings, or that "I've lost it", but the simple, unbelievable truth of the matter IS...
I can't seem to find my way back to the English Site !!!!
(oh lord.......) I'll try to make this short. I did a 'google' web search looking for "ifoedit", and lo and behold there was a bit in there about it on the Finn a/D site (same as in English I expect), so I said to myself, "Hey, this is *way* cool! Haven't been to Finland in a while", so just for the hell of it, I clicked on the link. Well guess what?
My normal, english a/D web-browser bookmark clearly says "http://www.afterdawn.com". I didn't change it. I *did*, just for the helluvit, bookmark the finn site, but after all these hairy problems cropped up, I quickly removed it. Doesn't matter. I still get redirected here. Every time.
So, I went to the "Green Room" link. (I've made a bookmark directly to the dvdxcopy form for easy access). OK, all went well. BUT, if/when I decide to go to the regular (pink) a/D Forum by clicking on the link at the top of the page ---- presto! I'm right back in here again !!!!
(Oh, brother). I checked my *original* bookmark - in full it states, "AfterDawn.com - DVD Rippers, MP3 news, DivX codecs, software downloads and more". (Not a single word of Finn!). And yes, the url is listed as "http://www.afterdawn.com"
So, I click on it, and *whoosh*! I'm in Finland again! (It's a nice place to be sure, nice furniture in here and everything, but all you guys type funny and stuff).
No, I haven't taken any acid since the late 60's. (I don't think). :-)
(Now get this): The most brute-force way I can think of to get to any given site, is to directly type it into the address field of the browser, right?
OK, so off I go...... I typed,
http://www.afterdawn.com <enter>
And Here I Be !!
So, I shortened it:
www.afterdawn.com <enter>
Here I Be !!!!
This is scary stuff. (really really weird). Oh, I'll finally find my way home by this time next week, but somewhere, somehow, either my 'cookies' have changed, or something else has buggered up.
(You wouldn't happen to have an English-Site pointer-link buried somewhere within this Finn site wouldya?)
Not making a single word of this up, Petteri, my normal bookmarked url is *changed* even though it doesn't *say* it's changed, and outside of the "Green Room", this is the only place I can come regardless of whatever english links I click on.
(I'll work it out, I guess). Sorry ta bug ya.
-- Klingy --
I hate titles
35 tuotearviota
8. joulukuuta 2002 @ 17:35 |
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Once you visit our Finnish site, the cookie on your browser sets you as a Finnish user. Now, both mainpages -- www.afterdawn.com and forums.afterdawn.com, just the index pages, not the actual direct links to specific pages under the domains -- include piece of code that checks your cookie. If it says "FIN", you will be redirected to Finnish version.
Same goes for users who DON'T have the cookie -- the system checks for your browser's default language. If it states "fi", it will redirect you to Finnish version and sets the cookie as "FIN".
But, the cookie can be set back to English cookie as well, easily. Simply click the English flag at the top of the fin.afterdawn.com page and presto -- your cookie says "ENG" and the system works it used to work for you.
Just a little automation that drives you crazy. Basically the idea is to use http://AfterDawn.com/ for all promotions and still deliver Finnish version for Finnish users :-)
9. joulukuuta 2002 @ 03:30 |
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<heh-heh> Thanks, big guy. :)
I'll click the English flag-link above momentarily. (I always get a bit nosy, 'cause I love all you Finn guys too, even though I can't understand a word).
You make it sound so easy! (Did you write the software for this site?) If so, it must be as complex as ifoedit or something.
Before I go, please consider updating your 'putting vcds on dvd' guide to reflect what should happen *after* one has reconstructed their m1v and mp2 (mpa) files. Your article abruptly aborts at that point. I am having mixed ("ok") success at authoring vcd video to a dvd with ifoedit. (Did you know?) I have no idea why, but vcd video, when authored to vob files, looks *way* better after it's been burned to disc! It's the same video, but the 'grainyness' is remarkably reduced.
What an awful thing to do - to sneak-in my request way over here! I'm a skunk, I'm sorry.
I'll click on the English link now. See Ya On The Other Side !!!!!
-- Kirjoittanut Klingy --
9. joulukuuta 2002 @ 03:30 |
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<< sorry, this was an inadvertant double-post >>>
- Mike -
Viestiä on muokattu lähettämisen jälkeen. Viimeisin muokkaus 9. joulukuuta 2002 @ 03:34
9. joulukuuta 2002 @ 16:45 |
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Damned dRD, you just blew up our "assimilate as many foreigners as possible to finns"-scheme to smithereens..;) At least Klingon (and I'll bet that few Vulcanites would have followed too) was half way there all ready...Oh well, can't w/f_in(n) all the time....(And yes, there were few "relaxators" taken while I was writing down this message)
I hate titles
35 tuotearviota
9. joulukuuta 2002 @ 17:13 |
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Nono, the plan has changed since the original. Now we will get everybody used to the idea that they spend half of their lives using our discussion forums. Then suddenly, at first phase, every 10th message will appear in Finnish. Couple of months later the ratio will increase to one in every 8th messages, etc.. Everybody gets slightly confused, but pick up a dictionary just to learn what those messages say. And this will happen more often for more users.. And boom, we'll convert million new users a month to use Finnish in their everyday language.
Plan is bound to succeed, Klingon is a prime example, he nowadays pops in to 100% Finnish site just to see how things are in here :-)
9. joulukuuta 2002 @ 17:26 |
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"Relaxators". Ouuuu... they sound nice. Wouldn't mind getting my hands on a few of those things myself.
But, I wouldn't worry - dRD has 'assimilated' a whole bunch of us over in english land, not necessarily into Finns, but I can think of a lot worse things to be assimilated into that a bonafide AfterDawner, whether Finn *or* English.
Do you guys have as much fun over here as we do over there? Is Petteri as outright cranky in here as he is with the rest of us? (I can get my hands slapped for posting in English here, as he _banned_ a fellow over on our side for posting in Finn, so I'd better "scoot").
(I suppose I'll have to click-on the English-Flag link above now, to re-set my cookies, or else dig out my Fin-To-English phrase book).
Nice to shake-your-hand, fellow after-dawner EasyCola! :-)
-- Mike/Klingy --
9. joulukuuta 2002 @ 17:36 |
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See how sneaky he is, EasyCola? He probably has my computer's cpu working for him in the background.
>>> every 10th messege will appear in Finnish <<<
The man is evil. For those of us with cable connections, he flashes subliminal graphics at us for 1/50th of a second, and most of us never notice. ("Buy dvdxcopy" and "Use Pay-Pal" are two of the identified favourites of his).
>>> Klingon - prime example - pops in ... ust to see how things are in here...<<<
(Yes, but I'm just 'spying'.) :) I don't actually log-in or anything. Of course, that's no guarantee either because as I say, I've probably got 5 or 6 little mini-a/D programs running in the background that I don't even know about yet.
-- Klingy --
Senior Member
1 tuotearvio
9. joulukuuta 2002 @ 17:38 |
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use this online dictionary: http://www.freedict.com/onldict/fin.html So you can understand something what we write here and maybe you can help us. Do you remember I told you few months ago "lear finnish and come here to help us"? :) that dictionary sucks, but I dont`t know better..
9. joulukuuta 2002 @ 17:47 |
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Hello, Jake !!! :) :) :)
Terrific** to 'see' you again !!! I certainly read the few posts you made in the English Forums. I promise you, no one will make fun of your 'english' - what you say is far more important than how you say it! (And you're pretty smart too, jake, as your messages indicate).
The English-Finn link is wonderful (thank you!) and I have bookmarked it. Maybe now, ol' what's-his-name (you-know-who) won't be able to be so sneaky anymore. :-)
Merry Christmas and Hapy Holidays to all Finn AfterDawners! (even what's-his-name) <gg>
-- Mike --
Senior Member
20 tuotearviota
9. joulukuuta 2002 @ 18:05 |
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Are you going to make some kind of record and getting your name on both side top forum user..? :)
9. joulukuuta 2002 @ 18:09 |
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Hmmm, noticed how fast things goes off topic here...:)
Da Boss, thanks ´bout the updated info considering english-to-finnish assimilation planns out there. Say no more, see no evil, hear no evil....
And what about Mike then, oh well, oh well...Our plann seems to be working just nice. I just might want to warn you though, there is some evil trojan to ease up this assimilation process, code is still aplha-base and is known to cause FUBAR-like-pc-effects with totally random time frames. That was "the sneaky" effect part, which you all ready noticed, seemingly. Good or bad news is that process is irreversible..:D
Take care Klingon and koita kirjoittaa jotain suomeksi, wishes Easy/GrazyCola...:)
9. joulukuuta 2002 @ 18:23 |
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(this is so funny.....) <<Hi ajs !>>
I've left my email connection open in the background, and I'm getting a/D email confirmations from both Fin and English sites! (And I'm responding to both!) Yes I know, Petteri probably does this all the time, but for me, it's a 'new' thing! I have to keep clicking back-&-forth on the little flag-icons to keep things straight. <gg>
I'm glad most of you guys can at least read English. Most of us aren't that smart on the other side.
>> top forum user's list <<
(nah, ajs, I'm (usually) somewhere in the top 10 (english) anyway), which only goes to show that dRD IS exercising some form of "mind control" over us, and proving that I spend *way* too much time on this keyboard!
(You know, it's funny, really .....) I'm a taxi-driver by occupation. I often get foreign-speaking passengers in my car (French, German, Spanish, whatever) who chat away like crazy while I'm driving. I haven't got a *clue* what they're saying. They could be insulting me all over the place for all I know....("Gee, this guy is a crummy driver", or "Phew! He smells funny"), and I would never even realize it.
(Same thing could happen in here too, but experience has shown me that a/D-ers are way 'above' that sort of thing).
Later, guys !!!
-- Klingy --
Senior Member
1 tuotearvio
9. joulukuuta 2002 @ 18:38 |
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Viestiä on muokattu lähettämisen jälkeen. Viimeisin muokkaus 9. joulukuuta 2002 @ 18:48