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maanantai 30.9.2024 / 01:23
Hae keskustelualueilta:        In English   Suomeksi   På svenska > keskustelu > digitv > digitv - kaikki muut aiheet > platinum ?
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Platinum ?
Kirjoittaja Viesti
Junior Member
16. tammikuuta 2005 @ 06:01 _ Linkki tähän viestiin    Lähetä käyttäjälle yksityisviesti   

this is only a way how it could happen, think about this suggestion, I spent a lot of time in this possibility to get this working, I don´t want to hear peronal attacks or insults in this case.

unfortenately we can not support Platinumcard because we don´t have the original SDK, so we can not make software for that card if we could we would do but it is simply not possible.

Now we found a way to reprogram a Platinumcard but only under certain circumstances.

Card must have an ATR and may not be damaged.

You can test by yourself by using the MII-Software.

If you card is ok you can send this card to an address or to the manufacturer, we will publish this later.

What is going to happen?
First the card is going to be checked, if it is ok, it will be reprogrammed by manufacturer and it gets a hologram because the cards are all printed and we can not change that too.

This is only for you so that you can be sure that you have an orignal!

What does is cost?
Cost for this update would be 6,00 Euro + PP per piece!
If you collect cards you only need to pay one time PP but 6,00 Euro per card.

How to manage?
Best way to do is to collect as much cards as you can, but please before you decide to send the cards, check them!

What is when an upgrade is not possible?
For some reasons I don´t know, an upgrade on certain cards is not possible. In this case you will get your card back with the 6 Euro with a special offer to buy a TitanCard.

Last but not least and again, we only want to help the people with a platinumcard and we spent a lot of time in this case. It is up to you if you take this chance or not, we can support TitanCard as you did see already, we made this card, Platinumcard is impossible for us!

In a few hours I will announce the address where to send the cards to.

Important! Only Platinumcards will get the update, don´t send blank cards, and please send a copy of the invoice or mention the dealer you bought your card. This is to prevent that we update MII-cards instead of Platinumcards.


Morgan's vaci 4100 = OK
Lautanen 800 mm
LNB 03 dB = OK 30 = OK
Matrix Revolution ja firmware mrv 2.18 = OK
CasInterface2 ja software CasInterf estudio 5.0 = OK
N..agra1 = OK
N..agra2 = EI
16. tammikuuta 2005 @ 07:45 _ Linkki tähän viestiin    Lähetä käyttäjälle yksityisviesti   
M-II,platinium and knotcard have same card.(memory and cpu)64k/64k.
only Operation System and loader have different, but all must change :)

dreambox,finlux 520T,nokia 150,210,triax,philips kaon combo,season+wce/lce,itsetehtyjä seasoneita T poksin sisällä,funprogger+fun 2-6,smartmouse/phoenix itsetehtyjä,M2,tit,goldcard,wafer,simmejä,88cm dish,2LNB.
Suspended due to non-functional email address
7. helmikuuta 2005 @ 19:46 _ Linkki tähän viestiin    Lähetä käyttäjälle yksityisviesti   
Ootko aivan varma MasaV?
Junior Member
7. helmikuuta 2005 @ 22:07 _ Linkki tähän viestiin    Lähetä käyttäjälle yksityisviesti   

Käske tyttös kontalleen ja levittää käsillään ahteria,sitten haistelet persreikää ja runkkaat samalla

Viestiä on muokattu lähettämisen jälkeen. Viimeisin muokkaus 7. helmikuuta 2005 @ 22:09

8. helmikuuta 2005 @ 18:55 _ Linkki tähän viestiin    Lähetä käyttäjälle yksityisviesti   
m2 ja platinium ovat samat kortit. knotcard eri kortti. > keskustelu > digitv > digitv - kaikki muut aiheet > platinum ?

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