BitTorrent is a tool for distributing files. It's extremely
easy to use - downloads are started by clicking on hyperlinks.
Whenever more than one person is downloading at once
they send pieces of the file(s) to each other, thus relieving
the central server's bandwidth burden. Even with many
simultaneous downloads, the upload burden on the central server
remains quite small, since each new downloader introduces new
upload capacity.
Windows web browser support is added by running an installer.
A prebuilt one is available, but instructions for building it
yourself are in
Instructions for Unix installation are in INSTALL.unix.txt
To start hosting -
1) start running a tracker
First, you need a tracker. If you're on a dynamic IP or otherwise
unreliable connection, you should find someone else's tracker and
use that. Otherwise, follow the rest of this step.
Trackers refer downloaders to each other. The load on the tracker
is very small, so you only need one for all your files.
To run a tracker, execute the command Here is an example -
./ --port 6969 --dfile dstate
--dfile is where persistent information is kept on the tracker across
invocations. It makes everything start working again immediately if
you restart the tracker. A new one will be created if it doesn't exist
The tracker must be on a net-addressible box, and you must know the
ip number or dns name of it.
The tracker outputs web logs to standard out. You can get information
about the files it's currently serving by getting its index page.
2) create a metainfo file using
To generate a metainfo file, run the publish btmakemetafile and give
it the file you want metainfo for and the url of the tracker
Make sure the saveas argument points to the already complete file.
If you're running the complete downloader on the same machine or LAN as
the tracker, give a --ip parameter to the complete downloader. The --ip
parameter can be either an IP address or DNS name.
BitTorrent defaults to port 6881. If it can't use 6881, (probably because
another download is happening) it tries 6882, then 6883, etc. It gives up
after 6889.
7) you're done!
Now you just have to get people downloading! Refer them to the page you
created in step 5.
BitTorrent can also publish whole directories - simply point at the directory with files in it, they'll be published
as one unit. All files in subdirectories will be included, although files
and directories named 'CVS' and 'core' are ignored.
Quote:Pitääkö minun siis tehdä oma trackeri vai mitä kautta pääsen lataamaan .torrent tiedostoo?? Onko täällä ketään kuka osaa ton homman paremmin ja on kokenut Bittorrent Linux käyttäjä. Pystyisitkö neuvomaan suomeksi sen, miten saa lataukseen noi torrentit Linuxissa.
Xp:ssä tarvii vain painaa exe tiedostoo ja se on jo lähes käytössä, mutta tarviiko tossa tehdä jotain omia servereitäkin??
Azureus oli helppo "asentaa". Miten muuten Linuxissa voi purkaa tollasen leffan joka on lohkottu moneen RAR tiedostoon. Windowssisssa tähän on Winrar, entä Linux?
Kiitti noista! Sitten vielä kysyn onko mitään videosoitinta, muhin saa tekstitykset Linuxin puolelle?Eli .sub tiedosto soittimeen ja mieluiten siten, että toimisi Kaffeinen plugineilla.
Quote:Kiitti noista! Sitten vielä kysyn onko mitään videosoitinta, muhin saa tekstitykset Linuxin puolelle?Eli .sub tiedosto soittimeen ja mieluiten siten, että toimisi Kaffeinen plugineilla.