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Overnet ei olekaan serveritön?
Kirjoittaja Viesti
AfterDawn Addict

20 tuotearviota
15. elokuuta 2003 @ 11:41 _ Linkki tähän viestiin    Lähetä käyttäjälle yksityisviesti   
Tämmöinen teksti löytyy Sharereactor.comista.

Bullshit Overnet "rumors" and similars (14.08.2003 08:51:24) from Simon Moon
Ok, i just received a mail that made me think hard. Just the fact that i get such a mail makes clear to me there are still people thinking such things or believing it. So i decided to give you this small exmaple of bullshit you can find in the network.

-- Bullshit start --
Some apparently leaked information has come to our attention and if it?s true, using Overnet could put you in jail!

Allegedly the maker of edonkey who goes by the name Swampy was busted by the Fed?s a couple of months ago. As a part of a plea bargain to keep himself out of jail he agreed to let them have full access rights to his web site. Swampy did NOT create Overnet the Fed?s did however by appending Swampy?s name to it and distributing it via his web site meant it would be trusted through out the community. They used Microsoft?s .net software on purpose because it easily and secretly allows them to track users based on IP and Mac addresses via a special proxy server, It logs what their sharing and what their downloading each time they connect to Overnet. This information is also passed on to otherlaw enforcement agencies world wide.Overnet is NOT server less as it claims; the GUI just hides them along with many hidden features like the proxy server connection. They only want you to see what they want you to see.

Bottom line is if you already use or have used Overnet they already know who you are where you are and what you have done. Could be only a matter of time before they come a knocking!

P.S. Also the forum moderators at the edonkey web site have been replaced by Fed posers so be careful what you post their.
-- Bullshit end --

Olen jo aiemmin ounastellut, että onhan sitä pakko jonkunlainen servu jossain olla, ja nythän se paljastui. Sitten vaan odotellaan, että miten Overnetin nyt käy. Toisaalta, sehän ei edelleenkään ole ohjelman tekijän vika, jos ko. ohjelman avulla jaetaan jotain laitonta kamaa.
15. elokuuta 2003 @ 11:48 _ Linkki tähän viestiin    Lähetä käyttäjälle yksityisviesti   
Edellisen viestin tarkoitus on olla esimerkki mitä bullshittiä ihmiset jaksavat keksiä omasta päästään. Overnetin/Kademlian toteutuksesta on dokumentaatiota ihan vapaasti verkosta saatavilla --> Google. > keskustelu > p2p > yleistä keskustelua p2p-ohjelmista > overnet ei olekaan serveritön?

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