9 tuotearviota
4. toukokuuta 2008 @ 16:14 |
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Otin tämän Comodo-palomuurin, mutta en ole oikein varma, että mitkä pitäisi milläkin tasolla sallia, kun näitä on:
Web bronser
Blocked application
Email client
Outgoiing only
Trusted application
Mikä noista pitäisi laittaa esimerkiksi pelejen kanssa? Entäs ohjelmien, kuten javan tai video codekkejen kanssa. Entäs torrent-ohjelmien?
Senior Member
4. toukokuuta 2008 @ 17:41 |
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Junior Member
1 tuotearvio
4. toukokuuta 2008 @ 19:48 |
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Eihän tuo svchostin ja systemin asettaminen "Outgoing only"-tilaan estä automaattisia päivityksiä ?
4. toukokuuta 2008 @ 20:12 |
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Lainaus: Eihän tuo svchostin ja systemin asettaminen "Outgoing only"-tilaan estä automaattisia päivityksiä ?
Comodossa on oletusasetuksilla sallittu winukan automaattiset päivitykset, joten ei pitäisi estää.
9 tuotearviota
4. toukokuuta 2008 @ 20:23 |
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Lainaus, alkuperäisen viestin kirjoitti kelari: Ohje comodoon
On ehkä hieman vaikeet nuo ohjeet mulle, kun en älyy noista portti hommista tai muistakaan mitään.
Mikä noista mun luettelimista kävis parhaiten torrent-ohjelmille ja mikä nettipeleille/peleille.
Osaisko joku tehdä torrentille oman säädöksen, ettei pääse kukaan liian helposti ainakaan torrentin kautta koneelle?
Senior Member
4. toukokuuta 2008 @ 20:41 |
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9 tuotearviota
4. toukokuuta 2008 @ 21:21 |
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6. toukokuuta 2008 @ 15:59 |
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Pelit ja tutut ohjelmat (esim. uTorrent) voi huoletta sallia valitsemalla suoraan Allow this request, sillä niiden kautta ei pysty pääsemään kenenkään koneelle, kunhan käytössä on uusin versio, jossa mahdolliset tietoturva-aukot on korjattu.
Mutta kun svchost, system ja lsass kysyy lupaa, niitä ei pidä suoraan sallia, vaan pitää laittaa Treat this application-kohtaan Outgoing only.
Viestiä on muokattu lähettämisen jälkeen. Viimeisin muokkaus 6. toukokuuta 2008 @ 16:00
9 tuotearviota
6. toukokuuta 2008 @ 19:00 |
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Lainaus, alkuperäisen viestin kirjoitti datahead: Pelit ja tutut ohjelmat (esim. uTorrent) voi huoletta sallia valitsemalla suoraan Allow this request, sillä niiden kautta ei pysty pääsemään kenenkään koneelle, kunhan käytössä on uusin versio, jossa mahdolliset tietoturva-aukot on korjattu.
Mutta kun svchost, system ja lsass kysyy lupaa, niitä ei pidä suoraan sallia, vaan pitää laittaa Treat this application-kohtaan Outgoing only.
Danke. Vaihoin nuo kolme outgoing only.
6. toukokuuta 2008 @ 20:58 |
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Kannattaa ajaa vielä Shields Up-testin File Sharing ja All Service Ports-testit, jotka tarkistaa onko portit kiinni.
Viestiä on muokattu lähettämisen jälkeen. Viimeisin muokkaus 6. toukokuuta 2008 @ 21:01
9 tuotearviota
6. toukokuuta 2008 @ 21:38 |
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Filesharing testi:
Attempting connection to your computer. . .
Shields UP! is now attempting to contact the Hidden Internet Server within your PC. It is likely that no one has told you that your own personal computer may now be functioning as an Internet Server with neither your knowledge nor your permission. And that it may be serving up all or many of your personal files for reading, writing, modification and even deletion by anyone, anywhere, on the Internet!
Your Internet port 139 does not appear to exist!
One or more ports on this system are operating in FULL STEALTH MODE! Standard Internet behavior requires port connection attempts to be answered with a success or refusal response. Therefore, only an attempt to connect to a nonexistent computer results in no response of either kind. But YOUR computer has DELIBERATELY CHOSEN NOT TO RESPOND (that's very cool!) which represents advanced computer and port stealthing capabilities. A machine configured in this fashion is well hardened to Internet NetBIOS attack and intrusion.
Unable to connect with NetBIOS to your computer.
All attempts to get any information from your computer have FAILED. (This is very uncommon for a Windows networking-based PC.) Relative to vulnerabilities from Windows networking, this computer appears to be VERY SECURE since it is NOT exposing ANY of its internal NetBIOS networking protocol over the Internet.
Tuosta tais tulla ihan hyvät?
All service ports testi:
GRC Port Authority Report created on UTC: 2008-05-06 at 18:38:18
Results from scan of ports: 0-1055
0 Ports Open
0 Ports Closed
1056 Ports Stealth
1056 Ports Tested
ALL PORTS tested were found to be: STEALTH.
TruStealth: PASSED - ALL tested ports were STEALTH,
- NO unsolicited packets were received,
- NO Ping reply (ICMP Echo) was received.
Tämäkin kait ihan hyvä?
AfterDawn Addict
1 tuotearvio
6. toukokuuta 2008 @ 21:41 |
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Noinhan sen kuuluisi ollakin, eli ihan ok.
- Iltakoulu->Taukobaari->Roskapankki->Taxi -
- C-kupin tissit ja A-luokan perse,muu on hifistelyä -
- God Hates Us All -
9 tuotearviota
9. heinäkuuta 2009 @ 15:26 |
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Moro, otin comodosta uuden version ja tein testit, tämmöstä tuli vastaukseks:
Attempting connection to your computer. . .
Shields UP! is now attempting to contact the Hidden Internet Server within your PC. It is likely that no one has told you that your own personal computer may now be functioning as an Internet Server with neither your knowledge nor your permission. And that it may be serving up all or many of your personal files for reading, writing, modification and even deletion by anyone, anywhere, on the Internet!
Preliminary Internet connection established!
Your computer has accepted an anonymous connection from another machine it knows nothing about! (That's not good.) This ShieldsUP! web server has been permitted to connect to your computer's highly insecure NetBIOS File and Printer Sharing port (139). Subsequent tests conducted on this page, and elsewhere on this website, will probe more deeply to determine the extent of this system's vulnerability. But regardless of what more is determined, the presence and availability of some form of Internet Server HAS BEEN CONFIRMED within this machine . . . and it is accepting anonymous connections!
The rest of this website explains the implications and dangers of your present configuration and provides complete and thorough instruction for increasing the security of this system. At the moment, any passing high speed Internet scanner will quickly spot this computer as a target for attack. (When this page has completely finished displaying, you might wish to sneak a quick peek at these two pages to see what lies ahead at this website: Scanner1 & Scanner2)
The phrase you must remember is:
"My port 139 is wide OPEN!"
Remotely connected to your NetBIOS system!
This computer is exposing its internal NetBIOS networking protocol over the Internet. This is called "NetBIOS over TCP/IP" or "NBT" for short. This is a security risk because it gives anyone in the world a point of entry to your system. Connecting to your computer is NOT something that anyone on the Internet should be allowed to do . . . but we've just done it! The following pages provide information about the consequences and your options for increasing your system's security.
Your computer's name is: KOTIKONE / MSHOME.
This is an example of some of the information about you and your computer that is leaking out onto the Internet and is openly available to anyone. Such information is commonly used as a starting point for guessing your name and/or your passwords and learning more about who you are.
Your computer is exposing NO SHARES to the Internet.
Either your computer has no shared resources (disk drive directories or printers) or they are effectively hidden from external view and attack. This is beneficial for your security because exposed shares can provoke system intrusion. However, allowing unknown persons or software anywhere in the world to connect to your system without your knowledge still affords them the opportunity to poke holes in your system's security.
Also, as you can see below, significant personal information is still leaking out of your system and is readily available to curious intruders. Since you do not appear to be sharing files or printers over the TCP/IP protocol, this system is relatively secure. It is exposing its NetBIOS names (see below) over the Internet, but it is refusing to allow connections, so it is unlikely that anyone could gain casual entry into your system due to its connection to the Internet.
Several of your private names are being served up to the
Internet by the Windows networking system. (see below)
While it's unlikely that this information can be exploited, you
should know what anyone can learn about you and your system.
~ ~ ? Your User Name
KOTIKONE ? Your Computer's Name
MSHOME ? Your Workgroup
Disconnecting from your computer. . .
A Next-Generation PRIVACY THREAT is present!
The Media Access Control (MAC) address of the network interface card in your computer can be easily read by any computer or web server on the Internet. Yours is:
xx-xx-yx-BD-42-BF (muutin tuota :P)
The MAC address is a "guaranteed to be globally unique" 48-bit serial number embedded into every Ethernet network adapter ever made. The problem is you can't change it ? it's like your machine's unique indelible fingerprint ? and it's being made available to any web site (like this one) that you visit. In many ways it's like a "super web browser cookie on steroids" that cannot be disabled or blocked by normal means.
Many people have become very upset over the unique serial number embedded into every Pentium III processor, fearing the invasion of privacy that such a "globally unique ID tag" would represent. But the exposed network MAC address problem is much worse since it's already here, it's fully deployed and available for the asking from most computers on the Internet! More importantly . . . it's freely available from your computer.
Since the presence and significance of this has just occurred to me, I have not yet added background information about this problem to this website. Therefore, if this is a concern to you, please plan to return to this site a few days from now when you'll find a thorough treatment of ? and a solution for ? this newly discovered significant privacy threat.
Your System's Internet Connection Security Synopsis:
This system's silent NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NBT) Internet Server is actively advertising its existence across the Internet and thus inviting equally silent connection and intrusion into your system. We were just now able to connect to your computer and establish a dialog with it, asking for its name and other information. That is the first step in breaking into a system. Automated "hacking tools" already exist to scan the Internet looking for computer targets exactly like this one . . . and then silently cracking any passwords you may be using to "protect" those resources.
Your system is not exposing ANY shared resources to the Internet. That's very good. But as you can see, the fact that there's a computer here is still completely exposed and dangling out there on the Internet for everyone to see and to cause people to wonder what might be here.
What YOU can do:
Unless you actively need to share your personal computer's resources across the Internet, you should immediately "unbind" the "File and Printer Sharing" from your TCP/IP properties in your computer's "Network Neighborhood" properties. This will render your system somewhat more "opaque" to the outside world and much less prone to attracting and enticing intruders. This will not impede your ability to use the Internet in any way, and you'll still be able to share resources among the computers on your own internal network.
Note that you may need to add the "NetBEUI" protocol to all of your systems if it is not already installed (it generally is). Please see the following pages for detailed explanations and instructions.
Once "File and Printer Sharing" has been disabled for the TCP/IP protocol, you'll be safe from this type of Internet system attack. Revisit this page after making the changes to be sure that everything is working the way you expect. Please also consider joining my User-Managed eMail System so that I can inform you of future enhancements to this and other free security services and tools.
ALL SERVICE PORTS-testistä selvisi, että portit P
Port 139, Name: netbios-ssn ja portti 445, Name: microsoft-ds; ovat auki. Täytyykö nuo sulkea, ja jos täytyy niin miten?
Mites tuon file sharing homman saisin kuntoon?
17. elokuuta 2009 @ 19:33 |
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Lainaus: Mites tuon file sharing homman saisin kuntoon?
Helpoin tapa on ottaa pois MS tiedostojen+tulostinten jako pois käytöstä kokonaan siltä laitteelta millä mennään nettiin. Tämä tietty ei kannata, jos se sattuu olemaan verkkokortti ja oikeasti käyttää jakamista kotiverkossa.
XP Pro:ssa menisi näin:
Käynnistä->Ohjauspaneeli->Verkkoyhteydet->[Nettiyhteyden nimi]->Ominaisuudet (oikee hiirennappi)
ja sieltä pois ruksi tiedostojen ja tulostimien jakaminen MS-verkoissa. Löytynee vastaavasta paikasta muista malleista.
Mikäli sattuu olemaan niin huonosti, että tarvii jakamista ja nettiyhteys on verkkokortin kautta (esim. ADSL-purkkiin), niin silloin pitäisi sitten sitä välissä olevaa purkkia säätää estämään netistä päin yhteydet porttiin 139 jos haluaa pitää nuo piilossa julmalta internetin väeltä. :-)