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perjantai 14.3.2025 / 02:21
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Welho 110m & xBox 360
Kirjoittaja Viesti
24. toukokuuta 2010 @ 23:23 _ Linkki tähän viestiin    Lähetä käyttäjälle yksityisviesti   

First of all sorry, my Finnish is weak so I'll explain in English.

I recently upgraded from Welho 10mb to Welho 110mb and got wireless modem/router Cisco EPC3825. I had several problems with speed and downloads but somehow managed these problems in downloader/router settings. Current and critical issue I have is when I try to watch videos from xbox360 which are located on the PC the connection randomly breaks. Internet turns off on PC and video cannot be steamed from xbox. PC and xbox are connected to the Cisco router. I also noticed the connection could break if using the net heavily. Restart solves the problem, but is very annoying and makes watching movies impossible. I called Welho and they said to play around with some settings on the router (as probably this Cisco router thinks this is some sort of attack and blocks everything): enable/disable UPnP and Block/Unblock IP Flood Detection. I tried different variations but problem still continues. Here is a print screen of my current settings:

What i've heard from some friends of mine, they fixed same problems by replacing Welho router, but they have 40mb connections, so they got modem and router as separate. And i do know my Welho MAC address is integrated in this Cisco modem/router.

What would you kind gents suggest to do?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Viestiä on muokattu lähettämisen jälkeen. Viimeisin muokkaus 25. toukokuuta 2010 @ 14:29

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1 tuotearvio
31. toukokuuta 2010 @ 14:18 _ Linkki tähän viestiin    Lähetä käyttäjälle yksityisviesti   
It really sounds like the Cisco box can't handle the high traffic. First you should try to update your modem/router firmware. I had similiar problems with an older Cisco switch when I upgraded from 10mbit to 100mbit. Upgrading the firmware solved all of my problems.

When checking for the firmware from Cisco's website try to look at the international page as well as localized. The firmware update I got was not released in their Finnish website but it was available on the international site. > keskustelu > p2p > yleistä keskustelua p2p-ohjelmista > welho 110m & xbox 360

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